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Allocating the H1N1 Vaccine 11/23/09
Source: FTE | Type: discussion guide

FTE hot topics are single class period discussion guides including a student reading handout, discussion questions, and suggested answers. This one discusses scarcity and allocation. That's what economists study, and you're taking economics because dealing with scarcity is the perennial problem man faces on earth: How do we allocate limited resources to meet unlimited wants? Is the H1N1 vaccine scarce? Yes, most definitely, but so are lots of other things and they're not making news headlines. The challenge therefore, would seem to be to figure out why this particular scarcity has us in such an uproar.




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Savvy lesson for kids with higher level thinking skills!    April 27, 2010
By: Adams, D
This lesson exposes kids who have higher thinking skills with the background information to answer this current problem in the local drugstore. The information presented is current and timely. The facts and background knowledge is included for you - you just need the kids who have the desire to really work on the problem in more than one dimension. A good knowledge of economic terms will be helpful as well as exposure to current events. I feel the lesson is a bit academic and dry for some kids. Perhaps if there were a hands-on connective lesson for them to experience in the classroom, they would be able to relate to the problems this lesson presents. This lesson would tie in well with a historical look at World War II or perhaps the Depression. It is good for kids to study thehealth issues we face in the future and how we might begin to solve some of them. Very timely, especially with health care legislation so current.