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Your search resulted in 201 economics and personal finance lesson materials.
Jobs: Who Needs 'Em?
  • Currently 0.00/5
In this lesson, students will look at the importance having some kind of job. At early ages they sometimes get the idea that money grows on trees and they should get anything that they want. This lesson will look at the consequenc... more »
Grades: 3-5 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
How Labor Got Its Day
  • Currently 0.00/5
If you asked students what comes to mind first when they think of Labor Day, what do you think they would say? The last days of summer? A family picnic? Shopping the Labor Day sales? The purpose of this lesson is to broaden and de... more »
Grades: 3-5 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Lesson 1: How to Become a Millionaire. Students learn how saving helps people become wealthy. more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: Jump$tart | Type: Lesson
Lesson 2: Wallpaper Woes. Students measure the classroom wall dimensions, draw a scale model, and incorporate measurements for windows and doors to determine the area that could be covered by wallpaper. more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: Jump$tart | Type: Lesson
Lesson 3: Math and Taxes, a Pair to Count on. Students examine careers and reflect on how workers use math in their occupations. more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: Jump$tart | Type: Lesson
Lesson 4: Spreading the Budget. Students examine careers and reflect on how workers use math in their occupations. more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: Jump$tart | Type: Lesson
Research database about economic education more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 | Source: University of Nebraska Lincoln | Type: Lesson
The Color of Resources
  • Currently 0.00/5
This lesson will demonstrate the making of Crayola products to introduce natural, capital, and human resources as well as touching on some other aspects in the Crayola industry such as producers and consumers. more »
Grades: 3-5 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
St. Louis -Wisepockets
  • Currently 0.00/5
In Wisepockets World, kids and parents and teachers learn about managing money more »
Grades: 3-5 | Source: The Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic education UM-St Louis | Type: Lesson
St. Louis -Zooconomy
  • Currently 0.00/5
Using a zoo to teach children about the economics of a business more »
Grades: 3-5 | Source: The Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic education UM-St Louis | Type: Lesson
Colonial Marketplace
  • Currently 5.00/5
Students will participate as children of colonial farmers in a simulation of a market. They will first barter, exchanging the goods they “produced” for other goods. Then, in a second round, they will trade again, using money as th... more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: EconFun | Type: lesson
After students have read about and studied many details about life in the colonies just prior to the Revolutionary War, they will apply the principles of the Handy Dandy Guide to explore the choices of people loyal to King George ... more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: EconFun | Type: lesson
Students will read and discuss the historical book, A Head Full of Notions, about Robert Fulton. They will differentiate between inventors and entrepreneurs, describe the incentives that motivate them, and explore the important co... more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: EconFun | Type: lesson
Did You Get the Message?
  • Currently 0.00/5
Advertising is the primary tool used by businesses to tell consumers about the goods and services they sell in the marketplace. Businesses also use advertising to try to convince consumers to buy what they are selling. Advertiseme... more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Be An Ad Detective
  • Currently 4.50/5
Every day, students are bombarded by advertising. They cannot escape it. But marketers realize that many people—especially young people—are becoming very good at tuning ads out. Businesses thus are becoming more creati... more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Believe it or Not?
  • Currently 5.00/5
Advertisements can tell consumers about prices and other information that may help them in the decisions they make about what to buy. But students also should know that ads are slanted by sellers to show a product in the best lig... more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Students read together a story on cards about a famous company and its stock. Then they explore bonds in an activity and figure the costs and benefits of using each. Lesson 6 from Adventures in the Stock Market. more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: EconFun | Type: lesson
Banking should not be confusing. It should be INTERESTing! Most students in the elementary grades would love to know more about checking accounts, ATMs, credit cards and all the ways in which their relatives buy the stuff that th... more »
Grades: 3-5 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
One of the most common replies given by parents when their children ask for money is “Do I look like I’m made of Money?” This lesson is designed to educate students about the need for money as a generally accept... more »
Grades: 3-5, 6-8 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Building on the first two lessons in the series, this lesson deals with savings and interest. more »
Grades: 3-5 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
