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How are Stock Prices Determined? | Lesson Demo
Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Interactive Tool

This video is a classroom demonstration of Lesson 14: How are Stock Prices Determined from CEE's Learning Earning and Investing for a New Generation publication (Lesson 18 in the previous version). Students participate in a simulated stock market activity that shows how the price of a share of stock is determined in a competitive market. They analyze the simulation to learn that stock prices are established through the interaction of supply and demand. The video starts with an introduction by two educators describing the lesson, followed by a demonstration of the lesson being taught to teachers in the classroom. This lesson was originally published in CEE's Learning Earning and Investing for a New Generation, which introduces students to the world of personal finance through 21 lessons that provide active learning experiences to help students master the basics of investing. Visit the CEE Store for more information about the publication and how to purchase it.





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